
Sun Wise

As we build towards the Summer Solstice here in the UK. We have been blessed by blue skies and long hours of sunshine to lift our souls. Sunshine is a tonic that not only is necessary for the flowers to bloom, but also for us to feel energised and healthy.

The healing rays of the solar sun penetrate the earth to maintain soil health that nourish the herbs , flowers and trees, as it does to our epidermis and bones.

Humans need the sunshine vitamin D to thrive -our bodies are covered with thousands of Vitamin D receptors for a reason to absorb the healing rays of the natural life force of the sunshine..

The key is balance -exposing to skin to hot summer rays without seasonal build up ,like gentle exposure in skin is asking for the skin to burn. Build up exposure, enjoy the morning and evening sunshine, if the mid day sun is too intense, wear layers, and cover sensitive skin parts.

An overlooked key to being sun wise is eating our SPF , through the divine nourishment of food. Well nourished skin with high pigmented foods such as blueberries, carrots, sweet potatoes , melon, avocado , chlorophyll and cherries all have a role to play for what you eat forms your skin and hair , which can be likened to an internal SPF, that work on the inside -out.

Science and research does show that those deprived of daily sunlight were more likely to develop bone diseases like osteoporosis, arthritis , brittle bones, decaying teeth , and in late winter more cases of flu and cancer due to lack of sunlight in the spring -summer months.

Many clients and friends ask me for recommendations of Sun protection creams . Due to my training about 10 years ago with Dr Des Fernandes pioneer of Environ Skincare and world leading skin specialist. I still connect the dots from this training of Vitamin A and skin regeneration as the best prevention regrading sun damage, with a combination of using low SPF’s (to keep the chemicals low) High SPF’s s equal high chemicals that are toxic and can lead to skin irritation and even skin cancers.

Sunscreens are one of the most toxic substances we routinely put on our skin and on our children’s skin.
The Environmental Working Group (EWG) just published their 2014 guide to safe sunscreens. They reviewed over 2000 sunscreens and over 257 brands. They found more than 75% of the sunscreens contained toxic chemicals that can increase your risk of cancer and other health issues.

The Dangers of Conventional Sunscreens
According to research from the EWG: Our review…shows that some sunscreen ingredients absorb into the blood, and some have toxic effects. Some release skin-damaging free radicals in sunlight, some act like estrogen and disrupt hormones, and several can cause allergic reactions and skin irritation. The FDA has not established rigorous safety standards for sunscreen ingredients. Sunscreens haven’t been regulated since 1978 in the USA, and the SPF factor only tells you how effective a sunscreen is against UVB rays which cause sunburn.

List of Unsafe, Toxic Chemicals in Sunscreen

  • Para amino benzoic acid

  • Octyl salicyclate

  • Oxybenzone

  • Cinoxate

  • Dioxybenzone

  • Phenylbenzimidazole

  • Homosalate

  • Menthyl anthranilate

  • Octocrylene

  • Methoxycinnamate

  • Parabens

Remember, our skin is our largest organ, and what we put on it gets absorbed into our body.

This summer Im working on a natural sun cream that nourishes the skin while adding protection , this will contain a combination of organic fruit and vegetable oils, Shea butter, Vitamin A , and Coconut oil, infused with high vibrational skin loving essential oils to regenerate skin cells and maintain healthy radiance whilst taking down inflammation.

Louise Allen