Rhythm of Beauty


Virgo New Moon -Nourish & Ground

September 9th -Virgo New Moon -Earth Element

The new moon in Virgo is always one of my favorite new moons of the whole year.

The yang of the summer months have come to pass, and the energy shifts into more of a feminine nurturing vibe. The earth heralds this transition through the abundance of bounty on offer from the fruits,vegtables,late summer flowers in bloom and the changing colours of the leaves on the trees and hedgerows.

Grounding and Productivity ...Time to sow the seeds of love...

Virgo is associated with earth, home, mother, family  and nourishment -its the perfect energy to support us to take a strong holding over new goals in life.We can accomplish practical tasks with order and ease. Clearing out and re-organising personal space, or business matters will be well recieved at this time.

self care is about about tending to your wellbeing -our body is our earth, and rituals with intention to improve your health and beauty are highlighted in Virgo energy.Autumn is a natural time to shift our routines from the fast pace of the summer to a more gentle and sustainable routine, encouraging one to ease into the cooler months and draw nourishment from the earthly abundance that is all around us.

Autumn energetically brings in the  'harvest' of the last year. At this new moon take time to review what it is that you truly want to harvest this autumn, and what projects and dreams have not come to fruition,make time to release any of these to make room for the new energy that you want to work with. Lots of transformations occured over the summer with the 3 major eclipses, this brought suprise change for many people, and it was fast and furious with no let up at times-This has left us with new circumstances,a different perspective and new opportunities have been presented, what is left in place after this period of disruption is key and this isa good place to build from , and keep those close to you who have stuck by you through these transitional times, for their love and friendship is dear and counts.

Get Back to Earth With Your Health & Beauty

I love the smell of the Autumn air -its adorned with crisp fresh aromas of floral scents,  ancient moss and damp leaves forming earthly mulch -Our skin-soul products capture the scent of the earth and harness the magical goodness to help nourish, ground, eliminate and purify your physical and emotional body working with the digestive system and the lung meridians to boost immunity as we build towards the cooler winter months.

Autumn is yin time -slow is more ,exchange the gym for more gentle practice like yoga and walking, the shower for the bath and the busy pace of summer life for a quiet candle lit corner to read a book.Enjoy the peace and calmness of Autumn for it is yours to embrace!!

Nourish your body with warming soups, broths and autumnal tonics. As we transition into  Autumn it is recommended to avoid cold raw foods if you suffer from mucous and inflammation and enhance your foods with warming spices such as ginger and cinnamon  to support your digestive fire. 


Night time earth elixir:

·         Turmeric golden milk

·         Almond milk

·         Turmeric

·         Cinnamon

·         Honey

·         Cacao

·         Blend into a pan on the stove and whisk through…

·         Top up with just boiled hot water -enjoy


New Moon Bath Salts - Get back to earth -made to order

organic himalayan salts

lavender, hyssop,yarrow petals

ginger, chamomile and vetiver essential oils

rhythm of beauty -red clover flower essence -divine nourishment and Transition Autumnal leaves essence.



Autumn is the season of abundance and harvest- this brings in the vibration of gratitude- Remember to show gratitude and appreciation to all you have in your life.


Happy New Moon 





Louise Allen